Tapome Eurofins Labtarna Lietuva

After becoming part of Eurofins companies in 2017, the laboratory, together with its experts, is improving and drawing on the experience of colleagues working all over the world. This move has led to closer contacts with competence centers in Europe and around the world, thus improving the reach of a wide range of research to our customers.
„Eurofins Labtarna Lietuva“ is a member of the international organization GAFTA (Grain and Feed Trade Association) and an analytical laboratory for grain and feed quality tests.
The laboratory is accredited by the international organisation FOSFA (The Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Ltd) to carry out seed testing of oilseeds.
The laboratory also has the permission of the Environmental Protection Agency to carry out surface water and wastewater tests.
The company uses validated LST, EN, ISO, CEN standards, regulations, scientific literature in its activities, complies with the requirements of LST EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard.
„Eurofins Labtarna Lietuva“ ensures:
- Qualified and rapid testing;
- The reliability of the results obtained;
- Objectivity and competitive rates;
- Confidentiality of customers.