How to fill out an order form

After downloading the sample sheet in Word format, fill it in as follows:
Customer information:
- Enter the name of the company, details and the date of sampling);
- Enter e-mail address/es to receive invoices and report of the analysis;
Sample/s information:
- In the "Sample" section, enter the sample information that will be transferred to the report of analysis. Correctly identify the sample, for example: "drinking water", "rapeseed", "sausage" etc.
- Specify the sample production date, batch number, expiration date, place of production, etc.
Ordered analysis information:
- Specify the analysis what you want to order for the samples described above. For example: "Salmonella (Salmonella spp.) detection 25g", "Escherichia coli count" or "Oil content" etc. Follow the instructions on the second sheet when ordering microbiological food tests.
Other information:
- Select the language in which you would like to receive the research report from the specified options;
- Specify whether you would like to return or destroy the sample after the tests;
- If you have any comments or additional requests, please indicate them in the comments box, for example: "Results should be presented with uncertainty", "analysis start date X", "pooled sample" etc.
- The client's representative signs at the bottom, if the document is sent by e-mail, there is no need to sign the document.